Complete Projects

Sandwich Express

Sandwich Express image preview

Engineering level integrative project for 8th & 9th semester. (Python/Flask Version - Asp.Net Framework Version)

Transformation of raw materials focused on making sandwiches. Management of inventories and stock of products, point of sale and online sale (Only C# version)

Repository (Py)
Repository (C#)

GLI - Admin View

GLI image preview

Technical test - Course platform (Admin view only)

User administration module for course platform


The Basics

Basic Calculator

Basic Calculator image preview

Just a basic calculator with Javascript but.. Its a PWA!

Live Preview

Horoscope App

Horoscope App image preview

React has aligned the stars to tell you your zodiacal sign

Live Preview

Working on it


Node Games image preview

Basic game platform made in Javascript, in development as part of a 10th semester project

Rick And Morty App

To-do image preview

One of the basics to understand Fetch with hooks in React